
Análisis Softonic

Lámpara de la suerte - Oraciones diarias de práctica y bendiciones

开运明灯-每日礼拜修行许愿祝福 is a free iPhone app in the Travel & Navigation category. It is developed by 旭 朱 and offers various features related to Buddhist practices and blessings.

The app allows users to make wishes and seek blessings from Bodhisattva Manjushri, who is believed to be in charge of wisdom. Users can pray for good grades for themselves or their children, symbolized by lighting a lamp to illuminate the path to a bright future.

One of the main features of the app is the "Buddha Lamp of Destiny." This feature provides a perpetual flame that never extinguishes, symbolizing the eternal enlightenment of all beings. The app also includes a "Buddhist Oracle" feature, where users can seek guidance from the Buddha on their fortune and receive advice on how to overcome obstacles.

The app also offers various Buddhist statues and their associated blessings. Users can choose from different statues such as the Great Sun Buddha, Wealth God Buddha, and Goddess Guan Yin, each providing specific blessings related to safety, wealth, career, relationships, and more.

For more content, users can follow the official WeChat account: lingdongputi, and look forward to connecting with the developer.

Please note that this review is based solely on the information provided and does not reflect personal opinions or experiences.

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